It is suggested to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months. But, have you thought about how to maintain it during the interim? You wouldn't let your bathing suit go three months without washing, and your toothbrush should be no different! Try incorporating a daily cleaning of your toothbrush into your routine to keep you and your mouth healthy. Here are a few tips for keeping your toothbrush fresh and clean between cleanings:
If a hot water wash isn't enough to provide you with peace of mind, you can rinse your toothbrush in antibacterial mouthwash. Remember that this can wear out your toothbrush quicker, as these mouthwashes usually contain harsh chemicals that can cause bristles to break into pieces. After every brushing session, let your toothbrush sit in a tiny container of mouthwash for around 2 minutes. You ought to check out buy Bril that will certainly be practical for you.
Your bristles can be washed with your mouthwash
The same rinse you use to keep your mouth extra clean is also a great way to clean your toothbrush after use! Allow the head of your toothbrush to soak in a small amounts of mouthwash that is antibacterial or rub alcohol for a couple of minutes prior to or following brushing. The toothbrush will not only be sparkling clean but will be fresh and fresh. Be sure to rinse your toothbrush after each use.
Bring the bacteria to the boil.
While boiling water may be a bit harsh on the plastic of your brush, it does a great job killing the bacteria that accumulates over time. Boil a small pot of water over the stove. Dip the head of your toothbrush in the rolling boil for at least three minutes to kill the majority of germs. To avoid burning, rinse the toothbrush under cold water, then let it cool down before you use it again.
Make sure you run it through the dishwasher
It's how you clean other appliances that are in your mouth, so it only makes sense to wash your toothbrush as well! Put your brush into the container that holds your utensils in your dishwasher and allow it to cycle through along with your dishes. While a standard washing temperature shouldn't harm the plastic of your brush, look into using the cycle at an lower temperature if worried about the brush melting or warping.
Make sure you properly store your toothbrush
Most of us don't even think about the place where our toothbrush is stored when it's not in our mouths, however the proper storage of your toothbrush is as crucial as a thorough cleaning. Keep your brush upright in a holder or cup so that the water can evaporate, and keep that cup outside as opposed to a cupboard. The air flow will allow the brush to dry and avoid growing bacteria. When possible, avoid keeping your brush too close to the sink or toilet in order to keep it as away from other contaminating bacteria as possible.

Make sure you invest in a UV sterilizer
Although it's not the most economical option but it's highly effective. The UV sterilizers are able to eliminate millions of bacteria within just 30 minutes. They also aid in keeping your brush clean and your mind free of any germs. Because of its effectiveness in killing germs, hospitals and laboratories use UV sanitation. There are also several excellent home sterilizers.
Removing your toothbrush every three months is one of the most effective ways to keep your mouth well-maintained! When you go to your dentist regularly for your routine check-ups, you'll discover a number of proven methods to safeguard your oral health.
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