Ongoing social activism, combined with the recent increase in Black Lives Matters demonstrations that has brought national attention to the issue of racial equity and justice as in the Black experience as a whole. However, it's essential to put everything that's happening in context.
The major of African American Studies, also called Black studies or Africana studies, equips students with a deep understanding of African Americans' political, historical, and cultural history and the unique challenges they face in the present. This discipline also gives students the opportunity to advocate for and be a part of the Black community.
The Harlem Renaissance was a movement during the 1920's and 30's of African American culture blossoming, especially in the arts of creativity. Historical perspective has a major influence on Harlem Renaissance literature. This is particularly evident when looking at the influences that influenced them, and also a variety of aesthetic and cultural trends that came from years prior. The Harlem Renaissance literature was influenced by the Harlem Renaissance African American authors. This was due to the African American social movement, primitiveness and cultural isolation from Europe. To find out extra information about visit, you must visit blacks in sports website.
For this article, we interviewed Angela M. Siner, director of the University of Toledo's Africana studies program and instructor of several Africana studies as well as cultural anthropology courses, for her thoughts on the value and benefits that an African American studies major holds in the current society.
What would you say to students in the first year about the field of African American Studies?
African American Studies, Black Studies, and Africana Studies are all in an academic discipline that seeks to understand the cultural, historical political, and political evolution of Africans in the Diaspora.
Students study Black experiences through a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. In particular, students are able to enroll in courses in history, English, psychology, anthropology, sociology, music, political science biology, art as well as public health and more.
A further major area of focus in this field of study is the issue of social justice. Students are able to participate in community development programs and also in social justice.
What do you think is the importance or value of a major study African American Studies?
The benefit of studying African American studies is gaining knowledge and an understanding of the present and past circumstances of people from Africa in the United States. This discipline prepares students to critically examine, explore, and analyze the unique experiences of African-descended people.
In its multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary discipline, African American studies exposes students to the many facets of the African American experience. The field also provides numerous opportunities to be involved in local and national community development initiatives.
What skills and benefits does a major in African American Studies offer students?
A African American studies major offers students an array of transferable knowledge and skills.
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Critical Thinking Skills Ability to think independently, read critically and write analytically.
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Research Skills: How to utilize theories to answer research questions, find and analyze data, as well as resolve issues.
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Communication Skills: The ability to effectively write and build persuasive arguments. Similar skills include social relations as well as public speaking along with the ability to understand the diversity of populations and appreciate it and apply theories from academic research to improve the community.
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Knowledge of African Americans Their Cultural, Historical, and Political Experiences The ability to recognize and appreciate the variety of African Americans and people of African descent within the Diaspora.
What are the unique problems facing African American Studies majors face?
The particular challenges associated with majoring study African American Studies have more to do than students.
The program was established in 1968 in 1968 at San Francisco State College (now San Francisco State University) the first Black studies program was created out of faculty and student activism. This activism eventually led to the creation of Black studies, African American studies, and Africana studies programs across the country. This also led to the development of other ethnic studies and gender studies for women and girls.
Many of these programs are plagued by difficulties with funding, low participation, and inadequate staffing. Some say that African American studies is constantly at a point where it has to prove itself relevant.

Who should consider majoring in African American studies?
African American studies attracts a large number of students due to the fact that it provides both a particular and multidisciplinary perspective of the African American experience. Students interested in social justice, learning about the Black experience and connecting academia to the wider community can benefit from an education in African American studies.
The academic discipline is available to every student, not just Black students. It is easy to see that there are many students who study the Black experience by looking at African American Studies scholars.
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